The Firm

WEBERSINN & CIE. is a specia­lized tax accoun­tan­cy firm for eco­nomi­cally ac­tive pri­vate indi­vidu­als and medium-sized busi­nesses. Our clients are at the cen­ter of our acti­vi­ties, whom we sup­port with our ad­vice, both in every­day busi­ness, in trans­actions and in crisis situ­ations.
It is our core con­cern to offer our clients a compre­hen­sive ser­vice that is adap­ted to the res­pec­tive frame­work con­di­tions of the indi­vi­dual or the com­pany and is based on mutual trust. In order to achieve this, iden­ti­fi­ca­tion with the wishes and goals of our clients is at the cen­ter of our thin­king. We con­firm the trust of our clients by imple­men­ting our solu­tion designs in close coope­ra­tion with our clients in a bin­ding and speedy manner.
Since the foun­da­tion of our tax accoun­tancy firm in 2021, we have been able to han­dle a trans­ac­tion volume of 69 million Euros due to our quali­fied work

Areas of Activity

To achieve the best possible results for our clients, we need to get to know you, preferably in person. We want to under­stand your ideas and goals, to know the back­ground as detailed as possible. This is the only way to achieve the opti­mum in tax decla­rations. We advise our clients as a generalist across the board and compre­hen­sively in all tax matters. Lasting changes of our clients in the context of trans­actions are a challenge, but also an oppor­tunity: purchase strate­gies, sales options, exit consi­de­rations, succession arrange­ments as well as questions regarding inter­natio­nali­zation are aspects our clients only deal with when the occasion arises. We support you with our wealth of expe­rience so that you can focus on your eco­nomic success, problems are solved and processes are accelerated.
In addition, we are specia­lized in inter­national clients operating in Germany - tax advice can only be successful if clients are advised in their native language and their concerns are truly under­stood. For us, close commu­nication and coor­dination with our clients is the key to success. This includes keeping language barriers as low as possible.


You can reach us by email at or by phone at +49 (0)40 7432 9020.